Men's Lifestyle•Boudoir•Pets

EAST BAy PHOTOGRAPHER • Your Photographer for Personal Branding, Headshots,
Boudoir, Men's Lifestyle Portraits, and Pet Photography

Services at Poplight Photography

Services at
Poplight Photography

The portrait services at Poplight Photography are separated into two different categories.

The Personal Services are aimed towards people who plan to use their images as keepsake items or to hang as décor in their home.

We have a variety of products in which to print your images, whether that is one of our keepsake boxes crafted in Italy, one of our beautiful multi-page albums, or if you want to create a statement piece that you place into one of our museum-grade frames that you'll place on the walls throughout your home.

With a lot of our portrait genres, you're able to create a customized photo session that aims to create exactly what you want, mixing and matching different looks and styles giving you exactly what you need.

The Business Services are aimed towards the different needs of business owners, freelancers, contractors, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and restauranteurs, who are looking for digital images to use for headshots, email signatures, press release images, websites, various social media uses, and other forms of marketing. We've crafted digital packages for the business needs where you might not be looking for printed keepsake images.

(But that's not to say you can't create a show-stopping image to hang in your office.)

Go through our services and see which looks you'd want to create for your customized photo session!

Business Services
Personal Services

I am an avid fan of animals, and I am acutely aware of the importance of having beautiful portraits to be able to look back on of them. From the big to the small, the fuzzy to the not, animals are more than just pets, they are family.

I encourage you to inquire about a session for your fur baby. It can be just them or you can join them as well. 

Pet Portraits

The word boudoir is a French term for a woman's bedroom or private sitting room. A boudoir portrait is meant to be an intimate portrait, but it is a misconception that one has to be nude or sexualized.

In reality it is any outfit that makes you feel confident and sexy, whether that is a form of lingerie, a bodysuit, an oversized sweater or dress shirt, a bathrobe or wrapped in white sheets giving the impression of bare skin while still being covered.

You can create these images for a partner, but it's even better when you do it for yourself. 

boudoir Portraits

Fine Art portraits gives you the opportunity to dress up and pampered like a Hollywood star and photographed in dramatic fashion. Put on that outfit that you've wanted to wear but never had the occasion to wear it to. Adorn yourself in you favorite accessories, such as watches, necklaces, or other family heirlooms. Get you hair and makeup done like you're going to spend a night on the town. Who knows, maybe afterwards you take the opportunity to wear the dress out of the studio.

Fine art Portraits

Personal Services

Contemporary portraits are all about capturing those real, authentic moments and embracing your natural beauty.

Whether you're in need of updated professional headshots, want to freeze those precious family memories, or just feel like celebrating yourself, our contemporary portrait sessions are the perfect fit. It's all about feeling your best in a laid-back atmosphere.

Feel free to dress however you like - whether it's dressing up or keeping it casual in your favorite jeans. Want to kick off your shoes and go barefoot? Go for it! We're all about letting your individuality shine through in every shot. And hey, why not crank up the tunes and have a blast while we create some amazing portraits together?

Contemporary Portraits

There are many times where offices need to have matching headshots throughout the employees. Nothing looks worse than when you check the employee directory and none of the portraits match, and the images are poor quality selfies.

Having an Office & Teams session allows you to create congruent imagery throughout your employee images. Depending on the size of your office, we can create half day, full day, or a multi-day event.

For any new employees hired in future dates, we can set up individual Headshot Experience sessions to be sure their images match your previous images.

office Headshots

When you're a business owner, first impressions matter. A lot. A Personal Branding session helps craft the optics that you want your clients/customers to see and experience. This is more than just a simple headshot. 

We will sit down to build a mood board as we strategize; getting to know you, your business, and figure out the type of impression you want to create in your client's minds. These images are then shared throughout your marketing; social media, website, email marketing, press releases, email signatures, print media, and more.

On the day of the session, we put together the wardrobe, hair and makeup, and set forth in creating your curated images.

Personal Branding

Sometimes you just need a professional headshot of yourself to use on your Social Media profile. This is a quick barebones session that lasts about 20 minutes that does not include a consultation, a wardrobe consultation, or hair or makeup.

We're able to to create a variety of images in that time frame and choose your favorite image afterwards to be professionally retouched, or you can upgrade to add additional images. You're able to get in and out during a lunch break. Fast and efficient.

The Headshot Experience is only available twice a month and books up fast, so keep a look out for the next session.


Business Services

Thanks for stopping by!

The form will get your basic information and then you can choose the date and time from my studio calendar that best works for you! I'd love to chat about creating your images!

Thanks for stopping by!

The form will get your basic information and then you can choose the date and time from my studio calendar that best works for you! I'd love to chat about creating your images!

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